Commissions are now open! Here's some details...

~Send requests to

~I work for $10 an hour, most drawings take 3-4 hours to complete.

~After your initial quote, I will send you an invoice for a down payment of $10. This is non refundable and is a security deposit that goes toward your total to make sure you are serious about the commission. It must be paid before I will start work on your drawing.

~I work on commissions in order of down payments received.

~When the drawing is complete, I will send you a watermarked version of the picture along with an invoice for the rest of the price. Once that is paid you will receive the unmarked version. I am a very fast artist, and this rarely takes more then a day or two.

~I reserve the right to the intellectual property of the drawing itself, not the characters within. You may post it where ever you like so long as you don't claim to have drawn it yourself. I will post the picture on my blog and here on HF.

~If you have a max amount you want to pay, I will make sure to only work on the picture for that long. I am skilled and won't leave it looking unfinished, so don't worry. But the less time I spend, the less quality, back ground, details, ect. you get.

Monday, March 28, 2011

In The Morning Mist

Early one morning on Azuremyst Isle, a Draenei and his visiting charge find a way to keep each other warm...
Photoshop, about three hours.

Spring Druid

Pinup of a druid Kaldorei. This is a blog exclusive. Not quite hardcore enough for submitting to HF.

Photoshop, about two hours.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Victor and Minalei

A commission for the lovely nielspeterdejong from Hentai Foundry of his original characters Victor and Minalei. They seem very cute and sweet and I had a lot of fun on this drawing. :3

Drawn in photoshop, took about three hours.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Building Relations

Click to see full sized.
I decided to go for a softer prettier coloring style for this one, which is kind of funny considering the subject matter. A spring themed picture for the sunny weather.

Drawn in photoshop, took about three hours.

The Shirt off her Back

A blog exclusive doodle! This is Ildri, a paladin so good that when she came to Westfall, she felt so bad for the inhabitants she gave them everything she had, wandering off naked. She is a very sweet character, and perhaps I'll draw more of her later.

Commissions now open!

I'm currently taking commissions! E-mail me at with a description of what you want to get a quote! I bet it's cheaper then you think! <3


Click to see full sized. 
A worgen loses his head, biting his lover at the climax of his bestial passion.

Photoshop, about 4 hours.

Eternal Passion

Click to see full sized. 
Two Draenei at the end of their passion, perhaps creating a new life for their race. I love Draenei, and this is one of my more popular pictures.

Drawn in photoshop, took about 3-4 hours.


Click to see full sized. 
Two Blood Elves, a paladin and a discipline priest who takes the discipline very seriously.

Drawn in photoshop, took a while because of the details in their clothes.